Industrial Communication


Industrial communication with products and systems from Siemens ensure greater company-wide efficiency. Our best-in-class components like SIMATIC NET are based on proven standards, which allow you to implement powerful, integrated data networks that are "future-proof".  From simple sensor connecting to plantwide quality and productions data acquisition and transmission - our comprehensive industrial communications solutions allow efficient integration of all company areas into one coherent system.


PROFINET, more flexibility, efficiency nd performance

 It also helps businesses operate more successfully. Providing maximum flexibility, it offers you more freedom for tailored machine and plant concepts. Its high-level efficiency lets you optimally utilize available resources. The unique performance of this industrial Ethernet standard enables highest precision and product quality. Your advantage: a sustainable increase in productivity.

PROFIBUS The fieldbus for all industrial automation tasks

The communication bus can be adapted to the most diverse applications following a modular concept and proves its worth in all segments of discrete automation and the process industries. The communication bus has proves itself all over the world and can be used in all production and process steps. Uniform PROFIBUS solutions help save investment, operation and maintenance costs significantly and give your productivity a decisive boost.

AS-Interface – the clever field bus standard

AS-Interface (AS-i) provides you with an effective and powerful bus system which connects all sensors and actuators on the lowest field level with the superior control – with unrivaled ease, safety and integration!

AS-Interface serves as a cost-favorable feeder for PROFIBUS and PROFINET and supports easy engineering. It is standardized in accordance with IEC 62026-2. All components by Siemens comply with the AS-i Specification and are correspondingly tested and certified. The AS-i standard is manufacturer-neutral.

IO-Link closes the gap in communication on the last steps to the process

Consistent automation is only possible with sensors and actuators. The smart connection of sensors and substations to the control level ensures precise and profitable production. The communication standard IO-Link is ideally suited to this purpose. Integrating all components is simplified by IO-Link in switchboards and IO-Link on the field level. They ensure maximal consistency and efficiency on the last steps to the process and thereby seamless communication.